

Whether on purpose or by chance, thank you for stopping in to see what’s going on in our little part of the world. 

Currently the steady sound of raindrops hitting the roof and trickling down the rain chains, draws me from my work bench to stop, listen, and smell the freshness in the air. It doesn’t last long. Most rain storms pass through quickly and already blue skies peek through the clouds. Rejuvenated, I return to my work bench. Today shaping a piece of black locust. By hand. 

I am a hands on learner. Sitting in classrooms, staring up at the blackboard, was definitely not for me. I credit my father for teaching me how to use my hands. He was a carpenter by trade. I grew up with the scent of fresh cut timber and Pall Mall cigarettes. Though I never picked up the habit of smoking, its smell is locked forever in my memory. 

So I sit at my work bench and feel at home. 

Til next time,


