Between the Lines

A new book…the amazing smell of fresh ink on crisp pages the minute the cover is opened for the first time! Palm steadying the spine, leafing through page after page of a journey you are about to take from the comfort of an easy chair or cramped seat in a busy airport terminal.

Fast forward to a flat screen of blue light illuminating paragraphs from the newest novel. Now, our reading material needn't take up space on our laps or shelves. Most don’t even need to be read… a wireless voice will read it for you. “Alexa, read me a bedtime story.”

Technology, though convenient, will never replace a good old fashioned book. Online words beaming from a cloud will never replace the warmth of children’s little bodies squished under your armpits so close you can feel their excitement as you dramatize “Three Little Pigs”, with squeals and growls of the big bad wolf.

A smart devise will never melt a heart like a little child dressed in footed pajamas, holding their favorite book and asking,

“Grandma, read me a bedtime story.”


Feeling Happy


Road Trips