Feeling Happy

But music was his life it was not his livelihood

and it made him feel so happy and it made him feel so good

and he sang from his heart and he sang from his soul

He did not know how well he sang, it just made him whole.

These lyrics, (from a not so well known singer/songwriter in the 70’s - I will provide his name at the end so you don’t need to Google it) hold a lot of meaning for Sue and I.

From our early childhoods, art has been a big part of our lives. Whether drawing, painting, sewing, tatting, carving, building.

Mr Tanner was a cleaner in a town in the midwest.

Like Mr Tanner in the song, our livelihoods where much the same. Sue and I raised a family working countless hours in banking, the public school system and in law enforcement.

And of all the cleaning shops around he made his the best.

And we would like to believe we gave 100% and helped make a good difference in this world.

Like everyone else we have been on mountains high and have experienced the valleys low and everything in between. Where we feel blessed is to have experienced, and still experiencing, it together.

His friends and neighbors praised the voice that poured out from his throat.

They said that he should use his gift instead of cleaning coats.

For many years people around us have said we should sell our art. And here we are.

(song by Harry Chapin 1973)


Long Winter’s Nap


Between the Lines