
Mom used to plop American cheese slices, little smokies, crackers and grapes on a paper plate and call it lunch…yummy! Picnic baskets followed, packed with PB&Js, chips, apples and cookies…even better! All grown up now, I’ve been spoiled with wonderful culinary choices beautifully presented on charcuterie boards to be shared with special folks in my life.

Charcuterie is my favorite form of dining. It invites participants to slow down, sample tiny morsels and blend flavors, all the while sharing the experience through lighthearted conversation. In my mind, “Charcuterie” is pretty fancy…the kid in me gets excited to enjoy “Nibbles”.

“Nibbles in the morning, Nibbles at night, Nibbles in the twilight or by the pale moonlight.”

So, how do we share that experience with others? Through artistry and wood, of course…

Steve’s gift at working with wood and bringing his visions to life inspired our Nibble Boards. Air dried maple, shaped and smoothed to a velvety finish is a perfect platform to display morsels of yumminess. Add a hand carved spreading knife, tongs for cheese and crackers and nibble forks to skewer nuggets of flavor. Wrap them snug in a handmade sleeve, ready to use at a moment’s inspiration.

"Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life."


Quality Time