Quality Time

“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” - Dr. Seuss

Time is not confined to the rotation of hands on the face of a clock. It can barely be defined. With respect to time spent on our pieces, there is so much more than meets the eye. A vision may appear between bites at the dinner table, immediately requiring a pencil and the closest thing resembling paper, usually a napkin. The rough sketch then rests in plain sight to be mulled over, turned every which way , tuned by a few added lines or the scrub of an eraser.

In the wood shop, the thumbnail sketch comes to life…not right away, mind you, because each piece of wood is “interviewed” and chosen for its purpose. Saw blades, carving knives and finishing touches are all at the mercy of the vision.

Then up to the studio for a breath of life. By this time, the piece has been posed, reposed, talked to and played with. When paint meets wood, the conversation begins. There is a relationship between the carver, painter and the sculpture. When the finished piece sits before us as we smile upon it, we wait….only when it smiles back, is it complete.

“Quality Time” is a perfect example…as it was long in the thoughtful process, the characters tugged on emotions within us and they seemed to love being together. That is the vision…loving to be together, share together, get lost in the pages, & spend…Quality Time with those you love.




Long Winter’s Nap