
When I awoke this morning a picture emerged in my mind of what I needed to work on today. At the dining table I penciled out sweeping curved lines that before breakfast was finished, became the inspiration for my next piece. From a stack of timber along the back wall of my shop. I draw out a long piece of cherry my brother gave me some years back. I take it to my work bench taking my place on the stool next to it.

An amazing shipwright once told me. “Steve, the best tool every workshop needs is a place to sit. Cause you’ll spend a lot of time sitting and thinking before you ever start building.” 

So here I sit, thankful for that little piece of advice. 

Staring at the piece of cherry in my hands, I stare at the grain, like waves in the ocean, moving in numerous directions. Spiraling around small knots.  Swirling lazily along its length. After what seems like hours, turning it over and over in my hands, pencil lines are quickly laid down.

Risk. There is risk in creating something. The outcome dependent on the judgment, dexterity, and care with which one uses. It is this risk in creating, which makes it enjoyable and satisfying, providing me with problems to solve. And in solving problems, to feel a sense of satisfaction. When I overcome problems, (by chance or self imposed), I have a physical, tangible reward. 

Not always mind you. So I save those pieces for future, smaller projects.


Happy Thoughts

