Unanswered Questions

Winter sunrise in the Pacific Northwest can be rather underwhelming, especially if one is an early riser. The big ball illuminates the sky as if on a slow sliding switch. Wood shop and studio are chilled by a long damp night so the first order of business it to flip on the lights and crank up the heat. The second is, of course, to make a hot cup of coffee…

Stepping over the threshold into a warm, well lit creative space, I scan the room and see pieces waiting patiently for the next step of their journey. The further along they travel from bare wood the more their purpose and emotion becomes clear. I suspect this sounds a bit nonsensical to some, but the connection an artist feels to their work is real. It is also a deep desire of the artist to stir “that something” in the observer that sparks an emotion, making the experience personal.

What I love the most…the interpretation is different for everyone. The meaning of a finished piece will affect each person through their own perspective. The trick is…to leave enough unanswered questions so the observer can fill in blanks and make it their own.


Take A Deep Breath


Taking the Helm