Taking the Helm

“It is not down on any map; true places never are.” 

Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, the Whale

Art is a method of transportation that invites Thought and Imagination.  Exciting travel partners are they, for one will provoke the other. Often it’s a wild ride on a sea of ideas.  Thought will cast the line and Imagination will whisk it away from the dock, tossing and turning, filling the sails on a close haul.  Thought gets bigger, Imagination gains momentum and sometimes the ship capsizes…but all is not lost…Thought drops the line, Imagination calms a bit and then it happens…the magic…something much bigger and clearer is seen on the horizon.  The artist takes the helm, commanding Thought & Imagination to work together, getting a bearing & plotting the course.


Unanswered Questions


Happy Thoughts